Is the Russian government basing its national policies on intel gathered using mind-reading? Of course it is.
Oleg Kashin, in an article for the Russian Free Press (translated to English in The Guardian), shows how Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, slipped in a bit of psychical intelligence (PSYINT in spook speak) about Madeleine Albright during an interview with Kommersant.
Kashin, being orthanoiac, dismisses PSYINT as "hallucinations" and bemoans the distinct, isolated culture of the Kremlin:
Within their circle they speak a language all their own, their folklore and humour are unknown to us. They believe in things of which we have not the slightest inkling. Their superstitions, horoscopes, saints, fears, hopes, their good, their bad — all these have existed for a long time and mutate in ways foreign to us, the ordinary Russian people.
While all that is certainly true, there's more going on here than Kashin allows. As explained in my analysis of Belyaev's The Lord of the World, Russia has in the past been less than secretive about its, and other's, psychotronic technologies, and Patrushev's indiscretion fits that pattern.
The origin of the Albright PSYINT was explained by retired KGB general Boris Ratnikov in a 2006 interview with the government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta, which includes other behind-the-scenes mind-reading intrigues between the East and West blocs of the New World Order and typical Kremlin humblebragging about their psychotronic abilities. Here's a rough translation (with analysis following):
Rossiyskaya Gazeta: Boris K., why has your service been surrounded in secrecy?
Boris Ratnikov: Probably because we are dealing with issues directly related to the control of both the public consciousness, as well as the consciousness of a specific person. And also we sought to protect people from any unauthorized intrusion into their minds.
RG: We have security officers still engaged in the occult?
Ratnikov: There's nothing paradoxical in the fact that such a subject was in the field of view of the security forces, no. Since ancient times, humanity was interested in what of ourselves represents consciousness. The powers that be have used a variety of technologies to influence the psyche.
In the twentieth century, the magical practice of ancient priests entered the scientific level of research that at once put it in the field of view of the security services. Particular attention was paid to this issue in the UK, Germany and the Soviet Union. In our country, for example, almost all the people who have supernatural powers were controlled by state security agencies.
You have no idea what a war of brains unfolded in this field in the first half of the last century. I'm hardly exaggerating when I say that sometimes these were "astral" battles. And all this was kept secret and camouflaged, probably not less than the nuclear project.
RG: Publicly, science branded such studies as obscurantism, but secretly scholars seriously engaged in them in special laboratories and private institutions?
Ratnikov: In the mid-eighties, the problem of creating psycho-generators and remote influence on the human psyche were studied in almost all developed countries. Serious scientific experiments were conducted. And the circle who have succeeded in comparison with the beginning of the century has grown considerably.
In the Soviet Union, in general, at the time we realized the importance of this issue, as well as the danger posed by the possibility of the invasion of someone else's mind and their manipulation. About fifty institutions in our country studied the possibility of remote influence on the psyche. Allocations for these purposes amounted to hundreds of millions of rubles. Although the investment paid off, the obtained results have not been developed.
After the collapse of the Union, all work was stopped, experts in the domain of subtle psychophysical fields scattered around the country and did other things. According to my information, today targeted research on these topics in our country are not conducted.
RG: After the closure of the research you were in the Federal Guard Service of the first president of Russia. And then what did you do?
Ratnikov: We were well aware that the new state was going through a painful period of formation. And during the illness, the state organism, just as with a human, was very vulnerable. It was necessary by any available means to protect the top person of the country from attempts to manipulate his mind. And they undertook not a few. For this task, I am sure, we were mainly consulted.
RG: And yourself, you did not try to manipulate the mind of President Yeltsin?
Ratnikov: In no case. The task structure, which I headed in FSO -- to protect top officials against external influences on their minds. Hand on heart I say that we never manipulated the consciousness of Yeltsin or Kozyrev, nor Gaidar.
RG: Then tell me, from what did you protect Yeltsin and Russia?
Ratnikov: Maybe, from war with China. We thwarted Yeltsin's first visit to Japan. It was to be held in 1992. As we have learned, the president was strenuously "programmed" to ensure that he give a number of the Kuril Islands to Japan. But that was only the first step in a multistage combination of forces that aspired to world hegemony.
After the transfer of the islands to Japan, China, which was also programmed, was to start actively demanding the return of disputed territories, of which they had plenty. The matter could come to an armed conflict. And at once around the world would arise a wave of protest against the expansion of the PRC. Russia, provoked by the international community, could declare war on China. Today, this development is unlikely, since all the border disputes between China and Russia are settled. Fourteen years ago, armed conflict was very real.
FSO did not give guarantee of personal safety for the president in Japan, and the Security Council recommended the postponement until better times. Yeltsin was terribly indignant, but was forced to submit to state regulations.
RG: And your fears were not exaggerated? How could you believe your informants?
Ratnikov: Our unwitting informants turned out to be the top officials of Western Europe and the USA.
RG: Are you kidding?
Ratnikov: Not at all! I told you that the Soviet Union quite successfully developed technologies for entering into the consciousness of others. And we have advanced greatly.
In the early nineties I had a meeting with one quite peculiar employee of the CIA. We were well recieved, as a result the American stated that for the US there is no mystery about our nuclear submarines. Allegedly their specially trained psychics conduct our every nuclear submarine, "watching" the actions of the crew and condition of strategic weapons. He presented us with evidence that, paradoxically, really confirms the correctness of his words.
Then we told him that "candling" nuclear submarines is impressive, but we can safely "walk on the brain" of the US president and his entourage. Then I gave him information that could indeed only be known by the head of state. The CIA officer contacted him, and then said, why should we hide something from each other? We are entering an open society, let's make friends and share information. We agreed, but after that all communication with the American intelligence services in the field of psychotronics stopped.
RG: And you can give examples of reading information from the subconscious of top US officials?
Ratnikov: I think it is now possible. In the early nineties we "worked" with the new US ambassador to Russia, Strauss. After reading his thoughts, we came to the conclusion that the embassy had equipment for psychotronically influencing Muscovites, but it was mothballed. We obtained other information from his subconscious. For a couple of weeks before the bombing of Yugoslavia by US aircraft, we held a seance connecting to the subconscious of Secretary of State Albright. I will not retell details of her thoughts. I will only mention the most characteristic points, confirmed after the beginning of the NATO aggression in Serbia.
Firstly, in the mind of Madame Albright, we found a pathological hatred of Slavs. What's more, she resented the fact that Russia has the world's largest reserves of minerals. In her opinion, the future of Russian reserves should not be under the control of a single country but all of humanity, under the supervision, of course, of the United States. And the war in Kosovo she considered only as a first step to establish control over Russia.
Secondly, from her thoughts Albright implied that the US Army will use in Yugoslavia a kind of symbiosis of chemical and biological weapons combined with warheads containing radioactive elements.
It was later revealed that the Americans used chemical compounds that in a matter of minutes could change the structure of blood cells. People exposed to these weapons for some time completely lost their immunity, and could have died from any trivial ailments.
Then it also became known that the US Air Force had used shells with depleted uranium. In addition, the "Tomahawk" warheads used radioactive iodine, which completely decays within a month, but inflicts during this time serious damage to human health and the natural environment.
RG: And you reported directly to Yeltsin the information that was taken from the consciousness of the leaders of the USA?
Ratnikov: Of course not. This information becomes the basis for the future work of our think tanks. That's when it was applied to what was received through the SVR, GRU and diplomatic sources, then the complete picture took shape, which has already laid down the basis for policy briefs to senior management of the country.
RG: You mentioned the psychotronic weapon. It really existed?
Ratnikov: At the very least it existed there. And with us, and in the USA, and in other countries. However, it is very dangerous to use. The desired result can be achieved, but the weapon operator, and even those who give the order to use it, can lose their health -- and even their life -- in completely unpredictable ways. All the same, the scope of the active invasion of human consciousness is still something transcendent, and to fool around with psychotronics is not worth it.
RG: And what are you and your colleagues doing, who have worked on really transcendent subjects?
Ratnikov: Many retired. Some have continued to explore the subtle physical fields, although there is no financial support from the state anymore. Occasionally provide advisory services. Sometimes you look at the surroundings with a professional eye, and it becomes very interesting.
For example, the audience-favorite impersonator Maxim Galkin. This person has a unique and very interesting psychic ability, which, I am sure, he does not even suspect. In past years, he would have immediately found himself under the watch of the security services, an offer from which he'd unlikely be able to refuse. And now he is a completely free man, employed as a popular entertainer.
In the post-Soviet era, when the Russian government can no longer rely on its citizens to openly accept thought conformity, the Kremlin has learned from Western NWO agencies the value of psychotronic denial and the useful illusion of individual mental sovereignty. Psychotronics then becomes something that was once widely used but is now deemed too dangerous to fool around with (they may kill their operators or even those ordering their use!) and hasn't been further developed since the fall of the Union.
This is, of course, all lies, serving to both deny Putin's current mass deployment of mind-control and dissuade other factions -- be they competing political players trying to unseat Putin's dominion or just landlords harassing their tenants -- from obtaining and using the psychotronic generators that have flooded the Russian black market.
Russia's use of "psychics" -- humans with either natural or technologically enhanced sensitivity to psychotronic energies -- is controversial even among the NWO cognoscenti. While targeting a brain with high-powered psychotronics to alter its thought patterns is relatively straight forward, detecting and reading signals originating from a brain, especially at a distance, is problematic. The signals are just too weak and can be confused with the psychotronic background noise ubiquitous in our modern mind-control-based society.
To properly lock in on an individual subconscious, seances require the use of complicated psychotronic amplifiers, corundum-lined polarizing resonance chambers, and differential tuning pyramids, all of which are more art than science. Did Albright actually have a pathological hatred of Slavs or was she the target of anti-Slavic signals from some third party that the psychics were picking up by mistake? While these PSYINT signals are not mere hallucinations as Kashin claims, they are still unreliable and one would hope Russian think tanks are weighting them accordingly in their policy briefs.