Back in 2005 I posted this image from a WWII pin-up calendar/poster:
Perhaps you wondered, "What did the Army do with all those Japanese-microplane-spray-attack-protection covers after the war?" Well, it turns out they sold the surplus to civilians as "Amazing All-Over Rain-Covers". Here's a 1948 ad extolling their (apparently 106) uses:
Click to see the full ad at the Digital Comic Museum...
Biggest variety of uses of anything you ever owned! Impress your date by picnicking and canoeing in the rain! Awkwardly shuffle through the rain-drenched masses like cocooned vermin! Never again suffer the embarrassment to your male ego of having your gal use a newspaper to keep her party dress unruined! Any rain-avoidance-based thing is possible with the Amazing All-Over Rain-Cover!
Before being repackaged for consumer rain-covering and/or mating-rituals, these bags came with a gas mask, as shown in the pin-up. Here's a site selling one in its original package, marked "Cover, Protective, Individual. Contract No. NXSS-54058. 1944" and "NOTE: This cover is to protect YOU against sprayed vesicants". YOU. Not your darling. Not your baby. Just YOU.
Anyway, the Rain-Cover ad comes from issue #65 of Thrilling Comics (April, 1948). Here's the thrilling cover:
Click to read nearly the entire issue...
It features an exciting (not thrilling?) adventure of Princess Pantha, a typical post-WWII suburban American circus-performer who, after being stranded in the jungles of Africa, goes insane, dons skimpy animal-skins, declares herself royalty, and starts attacking gentle, herbivorous gorillas with a stiletto. Take that, Nature!
(BTW, the "SPRAY ATTACK" pin-up at the top is cropped, lightened, and edited to remove the crease lines. Here's the original from the eBay auction where I found it. I haven't been able to find a better version. All the ones online seem to be copies of my edited version.)
UPDATE: The Canadian Museum of Civilization has a copy of the SPRAY ATTACK pin-up. It's smaller than the eBay copy, but the colors are better and there's no creases or perspective. According to them, the artist was William G. Day and it was produced for the Training Aids Division of the US Army Air Forces. As the calendar format implies, there were others, only not quite as great. Search the museum site (or Google images) for "Training Aids Division" to see some of them.