A reader from the Netherlands wrote in with a common question about the Belgian Conspiracy: What happens when you travel from the Netherlands to France?
On 2013-11-10 01:57:37, [REDACTED] ([REDACTED].nl) wrote:
I read your website. There is one thing that you haven't answered.How come that when I go from the Netherlands to France, I have to take the car for 2h30, to cross a nonexistant thing? I walked in belgium. This thing eixsts. you cant simply walk from france to holland, I tried it!
As you approach the barren, kilometer-wide No Man's Land that marks the Netherlands/France border, EMF devices halt your vehicle and you are subjected to a psychotronic field that renders you unconscious. Black Helicopters then swoop in to retrieve you and your vehicle, delivering both to NWO technicians who place you in a temporary holding pod, in which memories of you traveling "through Belgium" are implanted in your brain.
After a sufficient time, they place you back in your vehicle on the opposite side of the border, start the engine, and wake you. From your perspective, nothing has happened other than a pleasant trip through Belgium.
You can see the No Man's Land and its towering array of EMF and psychotronic generators (which, not coincidentally, look like the Atomium building Belgian Conspirators claim exists "in Brussels") by approaching the border wearing an Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie, which will nullify the somnific effects of the psychotronic field.
However, it is strongly cautioned to not attempt this, since, if discovered in sight of the border while still conscious, you will be detained, sent to the underground Eurodisney facilities, placed in a permanent Citizen Pod, brain-wiped, and made to spend the rest of your unnatural life as a Belgian, at least until your body succumbs to the black-mold infestation that is endemic to the Citizen Pod vaults.
NWO technicians may also, depending on your level of contact with others not in on the Belgian Conspiracy, construct a Simulacra android of you, complete with AFDB, and let it loose on the other side of the border to replace you, tell all your contacts that you saw nothing amiss, and further the illusion that there's a country between the Netherlands and France.